Costume mismatch, Pink Panthess meets the Devil

Great Halloween party.
Best Costumes
1. Dave - Student ID Card
2. ??? - 3D Tetris L piece
3. Palmer - Pumkin Head
Showed up at the party at about 8:30, thinking 7:00 start should be a fair number of people there. Nope we are first, lol.
People start pouring in shortly after us.
So we sit down and get started.. I am starting to find my mask a little hot, and end up just taking it off really early in the night, just to put it back on for pictures.
Due to the high amount of alcohol consumption, most of the night is a blur, luckily the pictures help put the night together.
Palmer offered to host the pictures, they should be up in a couple days, I will blog when they are up.
Other things were done that seemed like a good idea at the time, pictures were taken, then blog entries were written to be purposefully vague and undescriptive. Mel, I want a copy of that picture... (Who took the other picture? I want a copy of that one too.)
Going to be a busy Saturday
Cindy is moving out tomorrow, she is getting her stuff from her parents first, then moving out her stuff from my house. My living room is FULL of her stuff.
Mostly boxes, some lamps, her computer, other random store containers. The hardest stuff will be her bed and her computer desk. Nothing too difficult.
I expect to be done by noon.
After Cindy finishes moving I will need to get ready for Duncan's shin dig, should be fun, little drinking, few games, cards, movie.
I still have to finalize my costume, although I have the major parts already, I might go out and look for a large black shirt, I need a big neckline for my costume. I don't have a black shirt that I want to ruin.
Walmart might have a better option than a plain black shirt.
I will probably go look today. Must buy, booze, and figure out transportation. I think a little OC limo is in order. Might as well buy candy to hand out on Monday while I am out.
Lottery... Lucky man wins 54,000,000 dollars... 89,999,999 others disappointed
Ah the lottery, its just like going to the casino.
Why play a game where the statistics say that you will pay more money than you will receive.
Sure you MAY win 54mil, the offer alone is enough to blind you with the possibilities, that is a really big number.
But NINETY million tickets were sold. Sure if you bought every possible combination and won you would come out with a net gain, but ONLY if someone else didn't win. With 90Mil tickets sold it is VERY possible that 2 people will win if not THREE.
Leaving you with a HUUUUGE debt that doubles, triples, nay quadruples the possible net gain.
You can't beat the system without cheating. I think the possible ticket combinations sit somewhere in the range of 20Mil (I have not calculated it).
I would much prefer to be on the casino side of gambling. Where the question is not will I get lucky and win today, but how much money will I win today, a little or a lot.
If you want to gamble, play Texas holdem with friends, ignoring skill, your odds there are dead even, 5 guys 1 pot, you have a 1/5 chance of getting 5x your money.
Much much better odds.
That was quite the rant.. how unlike me...
UPDATE- I had to figure out the net gain after buying all possible combinations.
1 in 13,983,816 = odds of winning the grand prize
Therefore 13,983,816 different combinations (lower than I thought)
$27,967,632 to buy every combination. (Is there tax on a $2 lotto ticket??)
$54,294,712 Grand Prize$26,327,080 Net Gain with no other winners.
$820,276 Net Loss with one other winner (keep in mind tax / hidden fees that I am unaware of)
$9,869,394 Net Loss with 2 other winners
That blows my quadruple net loss theory out of the water... interesting.
I love it I found this quote on
"You think about what you'd do with the money and the freedom it would give you," said Beyerstein, who calls lotteries a "tax on people who can't do arithmetic," even if they do nevertheless provoke strong emotions in people.
[Bloggin it up] Comments
I have created a way that anyone can get e-mail notifications of my comments.
The first attempt did not work.
All you have to do is let me know you want to be e-mail'd these comments.
I wouldn't mind getting Mr. Pimpsons and Palmers comments, I will post instructions in a comment.
The ..... rule that isn't?...
Cindy is moving out to her own apartment soon, I will be in a house by myself (and Jennie).
This will be the first time I have ever lived alone. I don't think it will be that different from what I am used to. I will have to start doing my own grocery shopping again. The type of food in the fridge is going to change drastically.
Yay, I will be able to clear out my closet and use it as an actual closet again, instead of a storage shed.
Cindys moving out at the same time as Duncans Halloween bash, I don't expect her to still be moving at 7:00pm, I bet we will have all her stuff out of my place by 11:00am.
I have not seen any starting time for moving yet, hmm. Anyone want to help move Cindy Saturday morning?
Duncan's bash should be fun, I will bring my own chair, and Blockus.
And, if my costume is cooler, I will let the
sweet toothed vegetarian be my date.
The visit is going well.
We went out to Arbys yesterday, I love Arbys, too bad Ottawa doesn't have one anymore, I think the closest Arbys is 1 1/2 hours away from my house.
We watched Unleashed yesterday too, with Cheryl accusing me of choosing it because of the all the pianos play in it, lol. Good movie.
Today we went out for breakfast at a local greasy spoon, great sausages and bacon, not so good hashbrowns.
Then we went clothes shopping, Value Village, Cheryl is a clothes shopping daemon.. the shopping cart was overflowing with shirts pants, and the best Halloween costume ever. In the end we ended up only getting about 10 shirts and 4 pairs of pants, about 1/4 the initial load. Good stuff though.
Tonight we are going out to the bar. I will start getting ready soon. Then tomorrow we are going to go for breakfast with Mr and Mrs Ryan Smith.
That is all for now.
A new Matt record 4 posts in one day!!
I came home today to find a UPS truck just about to leave from the front of my house.
I think great, the keyboard stand has arrived ahead of schedule. The keyboard itself was shown stuck at customs this morning, in Windsor. I drive into the driveway. I am pretty sure he realizes that I will take the package now, but to make sure he does not drive away, I get out of the car quickly and walk over to him.
I say hello, and ask if he has anything for me. He is responding something like Yes, or I do, as I peek into the back of the UPS truck, and see a HUUUGE box, with thick metal on all the edges.
Holy #$@ I think, that is no keyboard stand, that is one HUGE keyboard. The UPS tracking form said it was 130lbs, but I figured it just hit some size or weight limit, and they rounded up to a larger weight to give people that are receiving it a heads up that this package might need a dolly or extra space, or some other reason that I had not fathomed.
I have to pay some customs fees COD, with my amex, the UPS guy has one of those cool UPS type machine that lets me pay wirelessly. And I help him carry it to the door. It is definitely 130 lbs. I thank the guy as he takes off, and go back to the car to get my stuff.
After I bring my stuff in I go back out and carry the keyboard in the heavy keyboard (did I meantion it is heavy?).
Once it is inside I realize there is no way I can get this thing downstairs myself, I have to take it out of the case first. So I spend a few minutes ripping tape off the box, lay it down and open it up.
The keyboard is certainly impressive, it almost seems a shame it is wasted on me when I don't even know how to play a single chord yet.
I expected it to come with no cords what-so-ever. I was almost right, it came with a power cord.
Luckily I have one cord that will allow me to plug it in to my stereo system to test, I definitely don't know how to play, but it sure sounds nice.
Palmer do you know a good place to get music cords?
Blog Comments
I realized today that blog comments are really not the best mediums for discussion.
Looking through some friends older blog comments I noticed I had asked some questions that got answered, that I really didn't go back and check until now.
I think as the blogs fill up to +40 entries, any conversations that are not in my blog (I get e-mails for each comment) and not within the last 3 days will be long forgotten.
Video iPod, to buy or not to buy
I will be waiting on the 6th gen iPod's myself, hopefully they will come with 3D goggles.
Mississauga Visit
Visiting Cheryl in mississauga, this weekend should be fun.
I have my new digital camera to play with too, which works really well.
The battery life is a little short on it, so I ordered a couple extra batteries.
It was cheaper to buy 2 batteries + shipping from than buying 1 battery from Future shop (online) at a reduced Futureshop online price, (sans shipping).
I took an extra day off so I can drive up and get there before she gets off work.
I should bring some graham crackers, chicken, marshmallows and chocolate.
Cheryl lives in an apartment though, so we would need to go outside and find some stuff that burns. lol
I will be all gadgetted up for the trip, iPod + iTrip, camera, work cell, clie, laptop. Now if only I had a gps device for the laptop.
Of course I put off everything until the last minute.
Print out directions + cell phone number, pack, get Jennie ready for my parents, do a little maintenance on the car, charge my gadgets.. hmm there are probably a few things I am forgetting.
I also have to get ready for floor hockey tonight.... hmmm...
.... that is all for now
Chicken Smores Recipe
- Graham Crackers (or other similar bread cracker alternative)
- Chocolate Bar, preferably straight milk chocolate, or straight white chocolate.
- Marshmallows
- Chicken, preferably chicken burger, but chicken breast should do nicely as well.
Find a camp fire.
If you are at home wait until you are camping, or if you are in desperate need of chicken smores, go outside and look for things that burn. Put them in a heap somewhere, keep the fire department on speed dial, and light er up real nice.
Find a barbecue and take one of the wire grills off, or find a similar wire type cooking tray.
Put your chicken on the wire grill and position it over the fire with rocks so the flames can lick the chicken. Find someone to keep an eye on your chicken, tell them to flip it often and to come find you when it is cooked. If they ask you what to flip it with, tell them to be creative.
After the chicken has finished cooking, take a steak knife and cut the chicken into approx. 4 centimeter squares, approx. 1/2 to 1 centimeter thick. Ask your flipper to cut it if you like.
Take your marshmallow, and put it on a sharpened stick, cook just above the flames until it is nicely browned.
After it is cooked, take your marshmallow and put it on a graham cracker square, remember to keep it bite sized. If you have a small mouth, use a small graham cracker, if you have a big ass mouth, use a big ass graham cracker. Next put on some chocolate, then add your chicken square, followed by another graham cracker.
Caution: Chicken and Marshmallow might be hot, and your friends are likely to laugh at you if you burn your tongue.
Disclaimer. I have never seen, heard of, or made a chicken smore before, create and eat at your own risk. Actual chicken smore consumption may or may not cause super powers.
2nd eBay Purchase
I bought an Canon SD100 off eBay last week. It just came in today.
It seems to be in good condition, the camera itself is a bit worn, but seems to work like new.
I can't find a max SD card size for it, the only reference in the manual is that you can buy a canon SD 128 stick for it (better not be a 128M max).
I need to test it will 256M to see if it works.
It also did not come with the USB cable, luckily it is very standard, and I have extra cables at home that I can use. I also have my card reader.
A day in the life of Shannon
My phone started ringing at 5:45 this morning, making me panic that I'd slept through my sister's birthday brunch. However, it was only my friend Sarah calling from Toronto completely wasted, just getting home with her two “new friends” Nick and Matt (not the Matt you may all know and love, or hate, but another one). I answer groggily “hello”and get greeted with a party on the phone. Next thing I know I’m engaged in a rousing game of virtual Rock, Paper, Scissors with Sarah and Matt until we realize that no one really wins when you play with three people. It’s like games for the learning impaired.
I then toss and turn for a couple of hours, paranoid that now I’m definitely going to sleep through brunch, and eventually drag myself up to get ready. My sister turned 33 this weekend, and her husband decided this would be the opportune time to suck up and have a birthday brunch in her honour. So he invites a small gaggle of family along, as a surprise. Among the guest list, aside from myself, are my mother and her husband as well as my dad and his girlfriend (*brilliant* move for a relaxed and completely unawkward brunch, by the way).
Brunch was good, although the waffles were cold. It was really early when we got there, there was only one couple there other than my odd family, until we were just about finishing up. Then this rather loud group descended upon us, and kicked things up a notch. I notice some of them, but don’t take a look at all of them, as they are coming to and fro like unherded sheep from the buffet to the table at will.
I’m sitting between my dad and my nephew, downing coffee by the gallon, when I hear a voice that sounds oddly familiar, in an unfamiliar way. Like when I watch a movie almost the whole way through thinking that I’m psychic and know what’s going to happen next...only to realize in the last half hour that I have already seen it...
“Anyway, the date went really bad...”
I look up, and yep, there’s Matt. Entertaining the masses with stories of his sordid love life. I don’t know what to do so early and sober in the morning, so rather than be brave and walk over and whisper in his ear that I would like to borrow the ketchup off his table just to see the look on his face I duck my head to my right, covering my left cheek with my hand. My dad asks what’s wrong and I have to tell him I’m not feeling well. As we were leaving I found my courage and tried several times to make eye contact with Matt, but he was either a) evading my stare, or b) enjoying his cold waffles a little more than I did mine.
Conclusion: Ottawa is entirely too small to have both a family and a dating life.
Good Day
Ah full day today was good.
Got up and played around a bit online.
Checked my keyboard, UPS tracking says the last time it was scanned was on the 13th leaving California on a truck.
Then I went for breakfast,
On the way I got called into work, luckily the problem was pretty simple to fix, although my alarm code to disarm the building didn't work (or I put in the wrong one multiple times, I have not used it in awhile). No biggie, just called the alarm company to disarm and arm for me.
Then back on my way for breakfast. Breakfast was good, although a little expensive compared to my breakfasts a Broadways. I think breakfast is more about the company than the food anyway. We talked a lot about dating and lavalife.
After breakfast a whole bunch of us (Mel, Ferda, Amanda, Duncan, Holly, and myself) went to Walmart.
Upon entering Walmart we took a left, walked 2 isles, and Ferda got her drug fix in the pharmaceutical aisle, while I check my blood pressure for the first time in a long time, my blood pressure was fine, but my heart rate was a little fast (all those hot Walmart women).
The main reason we (we = me) were there was to get me some new clothes.
But instead of heading back the way we came, past the front doors, and then up another 2 aisles into the men's clothing section, for some reason we went all the way around the store to get there. Walking through Walmart with another 5 people "that each want to look at different things", takes a loooong time. No biggie, I was looking at things too, punching Mel with a boxing glove that was out of its packaging, picking up some floor hockey balls, etc...
When we got to the men's section though we did spend a while there, compared to the other sections. I definitely would not have gotten those tight pants if I was choosing, or that green collared shirt (I should hang those up soon they are still in the Walmart bag).
Thanks again to Mel, Ferda, and Holly for your awesome advice and selections.
After spending more than I think I have ever spent in one clothes shopping trip (with the exception of my leather jacket). I drove Duncan home.
Then went home, picked up Jennie, and went to my parents place, to give Jennie some exercise, and have some of Chrystal's delicious roast (My brothers girlfriend).
After throwing the Frisbee with Jennie some more, helping Mark with some wiring, and watching some TV. I came back home. And started chatting with a few people online....
Duck dodgers and the blogs of the 24 1/2 century...
Ah Friday,
I really need to start using my personal organizer again, I keep mixing up the dates of things.
The NIN concert, for some reason I thought it was going to be the weekend after next. And I was debating whether or not to hit big TO (mississauga) to visit Cheryl (the date that I am going to visit her keeps getting pushed back), or hit the concert.
Checking my e-mail shows the concert is not until November.... huh, how did I miss that.
TO it is, I think I will msn Mr. Smith too, see if I can drop by there and say hello. Anyone want to go on a road trip?
I wonder if Palmer wants some company over tomorrow (Saturday), I want to see the new crib.
(I wonder what his address is?), I also wonder if he will reply to me via. comment, or e-mail???, lets see.
Good Night - Bad Night
Hmm both topics are something I do NOT want to blog about,
As I told Ferda these are things that can potentially come back to bite me in the ass.
I think I can safely get away with a quick mention anyway.
Date = Good
Attitude from roomate = Bad
On another note, the eBay guy is trying to fleece me out of another $35 for shipping of the keyboard stand. He also is trying to tell me that he sent me other e-mails that explained this and did not get through.
Telling me that he sent me other e-mail's is complete bull-*% of course, to cover for the fact he took so long to ship the package. I am on the fence if the extra $35 dollars is also bull-*&#%, I think he is telling the truth on that. I don't know if I will tell him to keep the stupid stand for the principle of it, and give him a bad comment, or just give him the $35 dollars (it looks like the stand is worth over $35).
I was thinking of calling him on the e-mails, asking him to send me the problemed e-mails, and error receipts, so I can track the problem here. But I don't care that much.
Hmm, writing this out and reading it makes it a pretty simple decision actually, I don't care about this guy, and I have no need to make a point with him. He can continue being an ass for the rest of his life, no skin off my back... $35 fleeced. Live and learn.
Gaim has a blogging plugin, that is soooo cool,
Now I can blog as easily as I can send someone an instant message.... can even go in and edit all of my posts, too cool.
Hmm, there is no practical way to add a picture or a title though.
There is also a "reset blog status" option... I am afraid to touch it.
New Ipod
Video iPod???
But I just bought a ..... (damn it)
Steve Jobs.... why must you torture me like this!!!!
What is Garbledina you ask,
this is Garbledina. Don't forget to click on Homestar's star when the cartoon finishes.
Well I have to say that changing an xml template is much more difficult than HTML.
Nothing I can't handle, but I have to say I don't really understand the inner workings.
The banner above is a static size that originally didn't fit, and seemed to like covering my wicked cool technology quote.
So I poked around in the xml until the page looked decent. I should get a little more into it, and see what else I can add.
I just put on that free web hit counter, (I saw the one on James site and thought it was a good idea)
Gotta love the warning they give you after you sign up.
"Note: If you alter the code above your account will be disabled or we may show ads on your site or a big image that tells everyone you have stolen this counter or we will call you names and take away your birthday."
I am not messing with that code, I like my birthday.
Well, another first date tonight, we will see how it goes.
Survey/Quiz time
Well, mixing and matching James' Quiz time, with the comments in my last post equals,

What is the strangest thing that you can find, that you can buy off of
First E-bay purchase..... damn e-bay.
No no no no no no,
If you are selling two things on e-bay, and they require each other to function, you should not sell them separately.
I have been thinking for awhile about playing the piano, I don't know where the idea came from.
But, last week I found out Melissa plays the piano, and is willing to teach me.
So I log onto e-bay to look for a "weighted" electronic keyboard, which has been suggested to me.
And I find a weighted midi keyboard, and a synthesizer module that generates the sound.
But the same seller is selling these two items separately?
I figure, hey no problem, I just put my max bid up on this one up to about here. And this one up to about here, And keep my eye on them, should be ok.
Unfortunately, I have a floor hockey game as the auction is ending, so Murphy's law, I lose the keyboard during the last 5 minutes, but win the sythesis module... greeeat.
First thing I think, do I want to just tell this guy "I don't want this thing, it is your fault for putting the auctions up separately".... no I think e-bay really frowns on that, also this would leave me with 100% negative feedback.... So either I buy it and use it, or buy it and put it right back up on e-bay.
I end up deciding, I bought it, I might as well use it.
So I just get frustrated with this, especially since I cannot find any other weighted midi keyboards in Canada on eBay. I eventually find a weighted midi keyboard in California... It's a bit more expensive, but what the hell I have a synthesis module that can generate 214 different types of drums, I am in this deep, I might as well keep digging.
But, California is a loong way, shipping is probably too expensive, I tell myself that as long as shipping is under $100 I will go for it, and worry about customs after the fact. The seller tells me that shipping is $90, Sold, I use the buy it now option, it is only $20 more dollars than the minimum bid. That way I don't have to worry about anyone over bidding me, I also don't have to worry about the price going too high.
Whew, alright, everything is done.
So some time next week (hopefully the keyboard hits me next week) I am going to have to try and plug all this in, I am fairly certain I will need to buy (or make) cables, I don't think I will be getting any.
Well that's my first e-bay purchase. I don't think I want to tally up all these costs... I don't want to go into a store and see a weighted (88 key) electonic keyboard for less than what I paid...... Ignorance is bliss.
ps. Sorry about the word verification on the comments, I got my first comment spam the other day, so I turned it on.
The Scene - ep 13 is OUT
The Scene -
ep 13 is out.
Best plot twist YET... It left me thinking back through the whole show.
Now your probably thinking, what is "The Scene".
Well "The Scene" is an online show, they have been putting out an episode about every month or so for the last 13 months.
In "The Scene", The Scene is an underground network of high level computer pirates on the IRC.
What's the IRC you ask... Go check
wikipedia.orgThe show follows around a member of one of the groups, Brian Sandro alias: drosan.
(I think I will start calling myself semas) I will tell you no more,
go check out the website.
Anyway if your going to start watching, start from the beginning. This show is very unique, I love it. I am curious if it would appeal to a less technical viewer though.
Anyway Later.
Living the Lavalife
It is strange to be dating again,
But, I love logging onto lavalife and looking through the girls/women that have tossed me smiles gives quite the ego/confidence boost. Even though I would be interested in dating less than 1 in 8 of them. And of those handful there are only 1/2 of that I would be interested in after talking to them on the phone.
I have since got my Cindy and Jen on. They always seem to have much more interesting LL stories than me.
Jen's of course is the most interesting, let's see if I can make it an interesting read.
It all starts with Cindy, she was on LL and gets an instant message from a guy she mistakes as someone else. Cindy talks to him for a few messages before she realizes her mistake, then stops talking to him. He messages her back a few times, but she ignores him.
So later on that week, I get Jen signed onto LL. Not 5 min after logging on (for the first time), Jen gets a smile from the same guy. Jen tells me that she is not interested in the guy, but feels sorry for him.
The next day Jen decides to smile back at him. He messages her within 5 minutes and is talking to her via the LL chat.
After talking for a bit, this guy asks Jen to call him, because he has been talking to some girls on LL that were actually men, and he just wanted to make sure.
So she calls this guy up and talks for ~ 5 min, realizes this guy is... strange, and politely gets off the phone.
Caller ID can be a blessing and a curse I guess, because the next day, this guy left her (I am sure this is an exaggeration on Jen's part) over 50 messages in 4 hours.
Jen eventually changed her cell phone number. lol.
My experiences have been much more less awkward, the worst I have had is an msn argument from a girl that was arguing that I was not spending enough of my conversation trying to get to know her. lol.