Costume mismatch, Pink Panthess meets the Devil

Best Costumes
1. Dave - Student ID Card
2. ??? - 3D Tetris L piece
3. Palmer - Pumkin Head
Showed up at the party at about 8:30, thinking 7:00 start should be a fair number of people there. Nope we are first, lol.
People start pouring in shortly after us.
So we sit down and get started.. I am starting to find my mask a little hot, and end up just taking it off really early in the night, just to put it back on for pictures.
Due to the high amount of alcohol consumption, most of the night is a blur, luckily the pictures help put the night together.
Palmer offered to host the pictures, they should be up in a couple days, I will blog when they are up.
Other things were done that seemed like a good idea at the time, pictures were taken, then blog entries were written to be purposefully vague and undescriptive. Mel, I want a copy of that picture... (Who took the other picture? I want a copy of that one too.)

Wanna pass me those picks and I'll put them up on
I can only put them up on November 1st. I hit my quota of 2GB upload for the month.
Man...once I get those pictures up, I"ll have some great stories about the great Matt Masse and the Pink Pantheress
I must admit that at first I thought Dave's costume was amazing with the Carleton student card...
But then I found out that it's from the school! He wears that every year in September to promote picking up your student card!
I will admit it's a great costume, but he lost points in my book! ;-)
I wonder if carleton wants me to promote taking the bus to school next halloween?
They can dress me up in a big bus costume.
I would wear a big cheque to promote accounts payable (my dept.) if they bought it for me...
[boo-urns on the word-verification]
I hear ya,
But I hate comment spam more than I hate ... uhm... your hate..?
Hmm, I wonder if I can get picassa to auto scale all these pictures in one shot before I send them?
They are all HUUUGE!
I have a resizer program. Look for something by MIHOV. It works great.
Hey Matt,
I've seen the pics and they are pretty lame, because ***---rest of comment not vague or undescriptive---***!
Your comment is sooo much more interesting when the readers have to use their imagination.
Hey hey now...I was brave enough to meet an entire house full of strangers while looking like a cross between a glammed up pink teddy bear and a playboy bunny all at once...doesn't my costume at least get an honourable mention?!??!?
Honorable mention for attendance?
Honourable mention for absurdity?
Honourable mention for bravery! And for using some kind of crazy glue on my face to keep my whiskers on...
lol, you got your picture posted... I think that provides mention for attendance and (debatable) absurdity, I don't know about bravery though.
Duncan's Party rocked!! We had a blast... and the collection of pix rock as well!!!
t'was nice to meet you Lois! Pink furr and all!
Hey hey now...don't be spreading may have seen my pink hair, but you saw no such pink fur mister! ;)
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