Friday, October 07, 2005

The Scene - ep 13 is OUT

The Scene - ep 13 is out.
Best plot twist YET... It left me thinking back through the whole show.

Now your probably thinking, what is "The Scene".
Well "The Scene" is an online show, they have been putting out an episode about every month or so for the last 13 months.
In "The Scene", The Scene is an underground network of high level computer pirates on the IRC.
What's the IRC you ask... Go check

The show follows around a member of one of the groups, Brian Sandro alias: drosan.
(I think I will start calling myself semas) I will tell you no more, go check out the website.

Anyway if your going to start watching, start from the beginning. This show is very unique, I love it. I am curious if it would appeal to a less technical viewer though.

Anyway Later.


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