Monday, February 27, 2006

Learning - Let your inner geek free

I heart blogs,
When I say things like "I setup this wicked Cisco 1721!" at parties, the girl that I am chatting to usually loses interest, luckly I have my blog to entertain my geeky persuits, and the party girl is none the wiser...

This is another post that almost ended up as a comment. This time from Palmer's Woe is me post.

I agree, a human should be constantly learning... but, I have always preferred learning my own thing.
It is a toss up though to learn things needed to advance a career (usually in a classroom), and learning things for the fun of learning them.

For example, I want a cool home theater. The project has taken a life of it's own, the initial idea looks nothing like what it is now.

- Xbox setup (linux, xbmc, + other programs, and still be able to game.)
- Mythtv setup (coolest tv program ever, very difficult setup)
- Projector setup / mounting, research (Lumens, bulb life, warranties, throw distance etc.)
- stereo setup
- Building proper projector screen...

At the end of the day I feel sufficiently challenged and have something to show for my hard work.
Although this project does require some maintenance, it is near the end of it's life.

My next project is multi-tiered, and I bought my first component for it today (thank you bonus cheque).
Setup a REAL router for internet access.
Cisco 1721 with WIC-1ENET! (possibly another WIC-1ENET in the future) Awesome!

As with the home theater project, I only have a rough idea of how this is going to look when it is finished. I am excited about it.

Anyways, a router you get from best buy will give you very limited control over what you want to do.
This control is more than the average person needs... I am not average...
I want to be able to access data on my home PC from anywhere on the net.
If I am at a place that is blocking port 22, I want to be able to ssh over port 80.
I might in the future want to stream my TV from my home mythtv box, to my laptop when I am sitting at my parents. (this would not be simple)
I want to be able to forward and block ports / IP addresses with an almost anal precision.
I want the option of creating VPN tunnels (strange because I have nothing to tunnel to)
I want the ability to add ethernet ports to my router as they are needed.

Sure I could probably do it on a linux box, but I want to learn how to do it with Cisco IOS, no point in settling for 2nd best.

The second tier to the project is to setup a properly firewalled WiFi connection, that provides limited internet bandwidth, to my street. Why... because I want to learn how, I like my neighbors, I think a REAL network neighborhood (how many people are going understand this pun?) would be cool.

Well I think I have sufficiently confused Ferda, so I will call an end to this post with another link to the hilarious "Fear of Girls" video.



At 2/28/2006 8:54 AM, Blogger Palmer said...

You see people...this is why I don't let Matt mess with my STUFF.

I don't mind if it's his stuff...he is a brilliant man.

But once he touches my out!

At 2/28/2006 10:28 AM, Blogger Ferda said...

not just confused but also bored... *yawn* :-)

At 2/28/2006 10:33 AM, Blogger Ferda said...

lol I will never tire of that video. Too funny!

At 3/02/2006 1:36 PM, Blogger iBenoit said...

I tell ya, a geek-off is required between Ryan and Matt!

At 3/03/2006 7:55 AM, Blogger Palmer said...


Anyhow, I watched Fear of Girls with Vero the other night and we had a good laugh.

'That woman is sterile' Classic.

At 3/03/2006 10:01 AM, Blogger Matt said...

I say Palmer has a fighting chance...
Fear of girls is awesome.

My favorite parts.

The ackward silence at the beginning after the DM is rubbing his chest, and the other guy is staring at him with a look of "this has gotten really weird and I am uncomfortable" Then decides before he sits down, he had better sheath his pretend sword.

Player - "I want to have sex with her"
DM - "Ok..... gimmie a roll."

At 3/03/2006 10:14 AM, Blogger Palmer said..., there are so many good parts to that.

Vero and I want to do a mini-film like that to get me into the video making spin of things. We just need an idea now.

Perhaps an analysis of uber-geek Matt.

Joe, thank you for your words of non-geekiness. I knew it to be true that I am definitely not the geek that Matt is, but it's nice to have someone back me up on that.

At 3/05/2006 2:26 AM, Blogger iBenoit said...

OK, Matt then, let's not waste out time...Matt is the declared winner.

BTW, thanks for all the help with the XBMC, the Xbox works like a charm now... no error messages this week-end.

My only question is that I am getting a much slower Internet connection now ... could it be because of the extra WEP security we enabled?

At 3/08/2006 10:54 PM, Blogger iBenoit said...

thought you might enjoy,70328-0.html?tw=wn_index_2

At 3/09/2006 2:47 PM, Blogger Palmer said...


I'm very sorry to see some potential woman off of Lavalife stumbled onto your blog during the course where we are talking about how much of a geek you are.

Man, I'm cracking up right now. Do yourself a favour and take that picture off of your profile!

At 3/09/2006 3:05 PM, Blogger Matt said...

rofl, notta chance,

Just because I don't talk about it to girls at parties, doesn't mean I am going to try and disassociate myself with my geeky side.

I am proud of my home projects. In no way do I feel they are limiting my sex appeal.

On the other hand, this is why I don't blog about LL dates or work...
I assume for every one person that posts a comment, there are ten more that are just reading.

At 3/09/2006 3:23 PM, Blogger Palmer said...

Did you just say that you don't think it's affecting your sex appeal?

While I'm not agreeing/disagreeing with that statement, as a man in a communications research field, it's always good for a little experiment to see if what you say is true.

You never know...maybe the MythBox IS limiting your sex appeal. Then you have a big decision on your hands...give up a little bit of geekiness (or at the very least, hide it like I do, until they are so committed that you can then spring it on them - AHA! I love Star Wars and you can't do anything about it! MWAHAHAHAH)

At 3/09/2006 4:51 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Hmmm, interesting.

We talk about LL often, if you read back in the blog you will see we have even ... tried... to create a LL profile in a group...

It didn't make the cut. Funny as hell, but I don't think it would make it past the LL moderators.

At 3/09/2006 5:15 PM, Blogger Matt said...

lol, small world

Dave does not frequent the blogs, I will see if he remembers you.

Any chance you want to divulge your old LL profile nick?

At 3/09/2006 5:32 PM, Blogger Matt said...

lol, I know.
I would like to think I would remember everyone that I have talked to.

I am pretty sure LL doesn't ever delete profiles.
If you know the nick of the person you can usually find their old profile.

At 3/10/2006 2:29 PM, Blogger Matt said...

lol, Joe speaks up on behalf of old creepy men everywhere

At 3/10/2006 5:52 PM, Blogger Matt said...

I had an old... I mean good teacher


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