Mel's Pre-Birthday

The night started with me making a brief appearance at Paul's (neighbor) 40th birthday party, I had an interesting conversation about telecom with one Paul's friend's wife (names elude me).
Afterwards, I headed off to the Red Pepper, showing up fashionably late and not wanting to walk far I illegally parked in an empty "reserved" lot, two doors down from Red Peppers (holy irrelevant details Batman).
1/2 expecting a cozy pre birthday party of > 10, I surprisingly walked into the room with 30-35 friends and strangers. Nice.
The dinner was great, actually seeing all the usual bloggers was a welcome change, (Bloggers Unplugged). I will have to look through my pictures again when I get home, and post an interesting one up here, nothing extremely hilarious stood out when I looked at them yesterday, Ferda pretending to stick a spoon down her shirt was mildly amusing.
Which reminds me... Ferda!! You need to blog about saving that man's life.... courageous / hilarious stuff like that needs to be written down... (also I want to know damn it).
Mel bought door prizes, bikini clad (stickers?) girls for some of the boys lucky enough to get their names pulled from a hat, the girls got something in little bottles.. makeup, soap, I don't know.
After dinner we headed off to a salsa dance bar, I should have realized before I headed off, that the lack of alcohol in my bloodstream (Matt driving) mixed with dance bar = Matt bored thinking about chilling at home on the couch.
I have always been more a fan of a good pub with a pool table, and the ability to chat without yelling. I did get to chat with Shannon and Maurine about city chase, that's going to be fun.
Mel looked like she was having a great time, Amanda got to salsa dance with a complete stranger.
I was not DD for anyone but myself, so I booked the night early (midnight ish) and headed off home.
(writing blog entries between other tasks makes it a little disorganized)
Happy Birthday Mel!
i didn't stick the spoon down my shirt it fell off my nose.
no it didn't you were trying to put it down your shirt, pictures never lie
The picture is blurry but the intent is crystal clear. You are stealing cutlery
I can't believe I married a terrorist spoon smuggler...
I just had an itch I couldn't reach
An itch for more silverware
That's right. An itch for more silverware. I even recall her saying that she liked the style of it. That it would go well with some new curtains that she had picked out.
Maybe I better call the curtain store to see if we're in trouble there. Hopefully they don't have security cameras installed.
Heh, I think the curtain store just thought you REALLY liked to stuff your bra.
so have you called them?
Yes. You are busted.
Get it?
HA! I crack myself up.
Busts and CRACKS??? Jamerda, you two are out of control!!
oh james you are too punny!
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