NIN in Ottawa...?!!

Palmer - "Guess who is coming to the Corel Centre. NIN."
Matt - "WHA!!!!. shut up. no way"
Awesome and here it is.
3_03_06 ottawa_on corel centre public on-sale: 1_14_06 spiral pre-sale: 1_11_06 support: TBA
Now all I have to figure out, is it March third or the other way around..?
Maybe it's March 3rd.
lol... I... uhm.... er.. you saw nothing!!!
Sadly enough, I may skip out on this venture. I remember seeing Evanescence in MTL, and then they ended up coming to Ottawa but I realized that they had the EXACT same show on during the tour.
THis isn't a bad thing. I mean, heck, it's NIN. But I'll have to think about going.
where are you Matt?
Where is Matt?
Hey, I know I have not had a new post up in awhile, although I have thought of a few, I have not gotten around to writing one, I don't know why. Work has been hectic, but a crazy work schedule has never slowed me down before...?, hopefully a good hockey workout tonight (first in over a month) will get me back firing on all cylindars (sp?).
Kevin @ work - Hey Matt, my friend is buying tickets, do you want him to buy you some too .
(Kevin knows Matt only has a AMEX, and usually borrows his parents card for stuff like ticket)
Matt - Sure that would be great.
--- 1 day after ticket sales --
Matt calls Kev
Matt - Hey, Kev how much do I owe you for that ticket.
Kev - Oh, I meant to call you, my friend didn't end up getting tickets...
Matt - That's ok, I will go on and get tickets now.
-- Matt goes on --
Orders 1 Floor ticket. -- I am sorry the number of seats you requested on GA Floor are not availiable...
Matt - FUCK!!!!
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