Floor Hockey

My first season playing floor hockey, I have dived right in.
- Playing Mondays
- Thursdays,
- Team captain for the next seasons Monday team.
- And used to practice on Wednesdays
I am only playing one team next season. Three days a week of floor hockey is a little nuts.
We are in playoffs right now with both teams.
Next Monday we are playing for 7th place.
This Thursday we are playing for 1st place.
(It's only rec, does it really matter what we are playing for?)
Yesterdays game was awesome, best Monday game ever!, (We won) unfortunately, I didn't score a goal. James (Joelle's James not Ferda's) was cheering on the other team. The losing team got to play a double header, and James really wanted to play another game. (Un-)luckily, the other team had an injury during the game and James subbed for them for the next game.
At about the first quarter of the game we were winning by an impressive margin of 4-1, then the other team took some strange pills (I assume this) at 1/2 time, and ended up getting 5 goals, making the score 4-6, luckily the pills wore off during the last quarter of the game and we scored another 3 goals.
Final Score 7-6. Awesome.
I hear our last Thursdays game might be a little rough.. (rough for rec that is) Good thing we have Joe 2.0 to score double hat tricks for us.
Nice clipart Matt.
so have you decided on a team name yet?
Not yet, no
Thanks James,
I would like to thank http://images.google.ca
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