What is Linux? Educating the masses.

- I use it at work (at my desk and it's on our servers)
- I use it at home when I can (when I am not using iTunes)
- It runs my TV at home (as per my previous post)
Linux is an operating system like Windows XP, Max OSX, SCO Unixware (boo, hiss)
Generically, an operating system sits between your computers hardware and you, it lets you work on the computer. (Use the mouse, see things on the screen, use your network card to connect to the internet, etc.)
Unlike Windows XP and Mac OSX, Linux is free and open source.
Open source means if you wanted, you could download the source code, change it, and use your changed version.
Because it is open source, there are many different people who distribute their own Linux versions (distros).
For example
- RedHat
- Debian
- Mandriva
- Knoppix (Debian derivative)
- Ubuntu (Also Debian derivative)
- Gentoo (My favorite)
to name a few.
Each distribution is a little different, but they can all run the same applications, differences between them tend to be minor.
Some distributions are very easy to install, (Ubuntu, Redhat, Mandrake), put in the install CD, follow the prompts, (ex. What language do you want to use, what color do you want your windows to be blue or red)
Some are made to run off of bootable CD's, no need for a working hard drive (Knoppix, Mandrake Move, Ubuntu (I think)) Put in the CD, it boots right up to a desktop.
Some are more complex, and allow the installer a lot of freedom to configure things (Debian, Gentoo).
Linux can do almost everything Windows can do, but for free. Ex..
- Browse the web
- Open, Edit, Save Office documents (excel, word, powerpoint)
- Talk on MSN instant messenger, ICQ, Y!, AOL IM etc (using gaim, or kopete, or other compatible chat client)
- Download torrents
- e-mail (most e-mail servers are Linux)
- post blog posts on blogger.com
- etc....
I don't expect any people to jump onto the Linux with a simple blog post, most people who don't know what Linux is already probably didn't know what an operating system was at the start of this blog post. A new operating system is unnecessary stick with what works for you.
But, now that everyone has a basic understanding about Linux, those who want to try it don't have to install it.
Assuming you have a burner(and want to try it), I recommend downloading Knoppix (bootable Linux CD or DVD).
You can browse to your own download mirror from the link above, or try this one. (Bootable CD link)
And if you get antsy and want to install a Linux distribution, I recommend trying Ubuntu first, it is the easiest to install and use.
Gentoo is probably too difficult an install unless you enjoy challenges.
That is all for now.
Can iTunes run on an emulator?
Are there emulators for other OSs?
I have read about people getting iTunes working on linux with a paid program called crossover from www.codeweavers.com.
I don't really want to pay for my free linux. That just seems wrong.
I can emulate an entire windows system, I have always read that sound/usb is a pain to get working through emulators.
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