Learning - Let your inner geek free
I heart blogs,
When I say things like "I setup this wicked Cisco 1721!" at parties, the girl that I am chatting to usually loses interest, luckly I have my blog to entertain my geeky persuits, and the party girl is none the wiser...
This is another post that almost ended up as a comment. This time from Palmer's
Woe is me post.
I agree, a human should be constantly learning... but, I have always preferred learning my own thing.
It is a toss up though to learn things needed to advance a career (usually in a classroom), and learning things for the fun of learning them.
For example, I want a cool home theater. The project has taken a life of it's own, the initial idea looks nothing like what it is now.
- Xbox setup (linux, xbmc, + other programs, and still be able to game.)
- Mythtv setup (coolest tv program ever, very difficult setup)
- Projector setup / mounting, research (Lumens, bulb life, warranties, throw distance etc.)
- stereo setup
- Building proper projector screen...
At the end of the day I feel sufficiently challenged and have something to show for my hard work.
Although this project does require some maintenance, it is near the end of it's life.
My next project is multi-tiered, and I bought my first component for it today (thank you bonus cheque).
Setup a REAL router for internet access.
Cisco 1721 with WIC-1ENET! (possibly another WIC-1ENET in the future) Awesome!
As with the home theater project, I only have a rough idea of how this is going to look when it is finished. I am excited about it.
Anyways, a router you get from best buy will give you very limited control over what you want to do.
This control is more than the average person needs... I am not average...
I want to be able to access data on my home PC from anywhere on the net.
If I am at a place that is blocking port 22, I want to be able to ssh over port 80.
I might in the future want to stream my TV from my home mythtv box, to my laptop when I am sitting at my parents. (this would not be simple)
I want to be able to forward and block ports / IP addresses with an almost anal precision.
I want the option of creating VPN tunnels (strange because I have nothing to tunnel to)
I want the ability to add ethernet ports to my router as they are needed.
Sure I could probably do it on a linux box, but I want to learn how to do it with Cisco IOS, no point in settling for 2nd best.
The second tier to the project is to setup a properly firewalled WiFi connection, that provides limited internet bandwidth, to my street. Why... because I want to learn how, I like my neighbors, I think a REAL network neighborhood (how many people are going understand this pun?) would be cool.
Well I think I have sufficiently confused Ferda, so I will call an end to this post with another link to the hilarious "
Fear of Girls" video.
Floor Hockey
Floor hockey practice keeps getting longer.
Last night was 3 1/2 hours.... (no subs)
Legs = tired
Every practice has been getting longer and longer.
If this keeps up we will be playing right through till sunrise, for our April practices.
Great exercise though.
Pickup Floor Hockey (Reminder Today)

Hey All,
I have a pickup indoor floor hockey that will be running every Wednesday 6-7:30 (including tonight), for all of 2006.
If 6:00 is too early, there is no one after us and we always play past 8:00. If you show up at 7:00 you will still get an hour in.
Other random info
- It's free
- Sticks, Nets and balls... are provided, (no outside sticks allowed)
- Level of play = beginner
- It's at St. Pauls HS.
All are welcome, (hmmm, public blog....)
All are welcome that have been to a social function with me...
or accompanied by someone who has been to a social function with me...
or if you can touch your elbows behind your back...
...what the hell, All are welcome.
E-mail me if you need more info mmasse [atsymbol] gmail.com.
what is the title
Here it is in it's almost 100% un-edited glory (edited last names to save the innocent),
Dave's LL profile Draft #1. (I don't think this one will make the cut)
Hi my name is not Dave. I am a sensitive, fun loving, guy, sporty, I like to play with kittens, I like sports that involve alcohol between periods. I am on hemaroids.
I am looking for a girl who are active. No one over 400 lbs. Arms and legs optional. This is not boxing helanaI like long walks on the beach.l My motto in life is "loife is like a box of chocolates and chocolates are good
i am looking for a girl who wets her pants aftyer he reads this . i do not spell well but i'm not dumb i may look iytt but it's just because i competed in the special oilympics once. it was a very special day. i love my ping pong match it made me sad. i don't think I'll complete this ye3arf i won't be able to take the heartbreak. man this keyboard scuks. if you are a fan of the special olympics and all ott things special then give me a call. i masterbate ferociously to toes. my calouses are really big. somed of dave's favourite thigngs to do are weed, coke and sexual experimentation. in my spare time i buil furniture. mostly ladels and spoons. did you know that coke is made of baking soda (otr baking soda I'm not sure) well anyhoo i am not looking for a girfl who will go with me to shoppers drug mart and bug cough syrup with me to support mt crystal meth addiction.
therer once was a man from nantucket who told me he thought I was cute. I said thanks man and went to his house. if this doesn't get all the chicks lining up at my door i don't know what will? do you want tme to shave my head or something because I will. I will do it right now. there I did it! now will you call me please? i also have manners did you notice i said please? I'm not trying to sound desperarate but when you are a single guy with needs you get that way. for yout birthday i will give you a homemade ladel made of saran wrap and popsicle sticks. I am an artisan. Do you not like art? what is wrong with you??? bitch! currently i am working on a crede3nze i am not sure what that means but it sounds french and french kissing is hot (so i've heard). the man from nantucket said he wanted to french kiss me but i said no dude I am not into dudes. we went to denny's instead then to ok a bike ride on a bicycle nuo;t for too but my stomach started to hurt because my grand slam was not sitting well . i had to excuse myself to go to poop i felt better after. I read a cosmo whle i was in there i read that the top 10 sexy things guys like in bed is to have their balls knuckled. . I then enrolled in a ball knucling course with Alex Roberto MD he gives private lessons in his basement. it's smelly in there but if I squint a little and put a clothespin on my nose alex is hot. but then i remembered I am not into dudes but i wanted to get my money's worth so i stayed for the whole class. girls like getting thereir ballls knuckledx don't they? i medan if men do why shouldn't girls? are you iknto that? because i took lessons. anyways... i must go now james humpalot wants to play ping pong with me but he winked when he said that so i'm not sure what it is he wants to do.
A paragraph
Matt's Valentines Day

I choo choo choose you ... and there's a picture of a train...
Cheryl (my cousin) came down from TO.
She invited me out for supper after work with a few of her friends.
So reluctanly accepted, and had a date with 5 girls at an Indian Restaurant downtown.
The conversation was good. (squash, LL, work, etc..)
I have an extreme dislike of spicy food (border line obsession), so I ordered the butter chicken, with a side of garlic ... something (flat bread). And then stole someone's excess rice.
When the conversation leans towards male bashing... I realized being outnumbered by the opposite gender is not necessarily the best way to go...
We all went dutch on the meal, whew... (these jokes all seem to be excessivly corny)
After supper, I took some time to get over the fact I was the only one at the table that was not given a rose (again corny), and then went home to fulfill my lego starwars addiction, I beat episode 2 and unlocked a few more lego star wars characters. I would have thought lego yoda would be the coolest character to unlock, but he by far the most annoying character. He walks around SUPER slow, and when he has his light saber out, he jumps around randomly choosing a different spin or flip with each jump... instead of walking like a normal character... this seemed to be taken from yoda's cool fight scene in the actual episode 2.
During my addiction fulfillment my old roommate Erika (Erika is also my current roommate's girlfriend) came over to make her man (and her old roommate) a romantic meal. Evan works the night shift and has a long break around midnight. So Erika made Evan a meal before his break, awww.
After they finished their candlelight meal, I emerged (/ was invited) to sample the left over Alfredo (yummmm) pasta and mushroom dish... it was awesome.
Then I went to bed.
This whole thing almost ended up as a comment on the
super_ap site, imagine that.
Google on World Domination (or at least internet domination)
Don't be evil. You have to love that informal corporate motto.
Putting out amazing products for free is definitely not evil.
First they had the Google search, and it was good (really good).
Afterwards there is Gmail, Gmail starts with it's unheard of 1G of e-mail storage.
Now at 2.692 GB and climbing.
Of course everyone reading already has a Gmail account.
Then Picasa and Hello, (acquired by Google I think), the best photo software ever.
Also there is Blogger.com (Google owns blogger, I am sure you knew)
They also have Google talk, that seems to be a little slow in catching on. I think MSN messenger is too dominant in the IM world to be that easily overthrown.
Today I noticed my Gmail account will keep a historical record of your audio conversations through Google talk, and soon will allow voice chat from the Gmail page!!?
Yesterday I found
Google Reader, I was at home looking for a sufficient windoze alternative to akregator, (below) I found a free shareware one, but it didn't quite cut it, it did what I wanted but the program itself was a large step down from what I am used to. Then for some reason I happen by the official
Blogger Buzz, and they have an article that links to a
feed reader.
Google feed reader (Beta),!!
This program does almost everything I am looking for. I will have to live without the ability to get an atom feed from my Gmail account, and the ability to get notifications on new articles, just to have that cool web interface, and the ability for it to track my read articles wherever I go.
It beats reading through 8+ blogs +
Slashdot to see who has new content.
(FYI, If your trying it out Palmer's feed is busted, you have to browse to the page the old fashioned way.)
Now I am looking at the
Google Labs, and
Google Services/Tools.Google Suggest looks cool...
Hmm, this originally was a post about just about the Google feed reader.... it got a little carried away.
1-0-0-1-1-0-1-1-0-1-1-0-0-1You may not have understood me but I was speaking
The word
technology means magic,
It's basically anything that's really cool that you don't know how it works, and if it breaks you have to buy a new one.
Why, I've got some
technology beneath my pants right now!

This is a diskette, diskettes were invented by computers to help us, like how cows invented milk.
The two warring factions of diskettes are floppy disks and hard disks.
I prefer floppy disks because they hold more memory.
Although you have to fold them up to fit them into these new computers.
Another thing you'll need is your very own e-mail address, just take your favorite hobby, add kid girl pie or izzle, and then just put a bunch of numbers at the end.
Robots are
technology, shaped like square people.
They're primarily used for destroying Japan, and serving orderves.
The Future of
technology, or at least what people won't shut up about.
Is wireless, you know things like walkmans, flashlights, and solar calculators.
I can make my calculator say OBOE ShOES.