Xbox360, Playstation3... oh and Wii

"First we have the xbox360 with it's all powerful power PC architecture
Then we have the playstation with it's immense cell processors and blue ray disks.
Then we have the cute nintendo Wii... aren't you cute, yes you are.. ok back to the real gaming platforms"
This is the impression I usually get when reading about the next gen consoles.

The only new gen console I am considering buying, (who am I kidding, I am going to buy it) is the Wii.
So after reading articles on the new gen platforms, I think of myself as the minority in the gaming market....
Until I read the latest slashdot poll that is..
Your E306 Console War Pick?
Wow, out of the 60,000 geeky slashdot voters, over 1/2 of them picked Nintendo...!
Sony and Microsoft could not even beat the joke vote.
(Sony = 15%, Microsoft = 11%, Joke Vote = 22%)

I wonder if the Wii will out sell the 360 and the playstation?
Of the 3 of them, I will also be buying the Wii. Mind you, if they were giving away PS3's, I would take one. But at the >$600 price tag, I won't be holding my breath
Go Wii Go!
Let's be honest. Nintendo has taken a hit over the years in terms of sales, but at the same time, kept making some of the most amazing games on a platform. They are fun games. People don't care about graphics and how many framerates you get anymore...they care about how cool a game is and Nintendo wins supreme.
I am sure both Sony and microsoft execs didn't see this coming at them.
Nintendo seemed to be really out of the running in recent years.
From the getgo, they've said that they were going for a different audience. Looks like there might be more of us that are in that piece of the pie than they thought. as much of a games hore that I am, I do not consider myself a hard-core gamer and that says alot.
Just how many times can one play the same shooter or racer type game? I just don't get it.
Any I refuse to pay $700 for a console. $200, sure. $300, okay, but over $600-700. Uh-uh! no way!
My bro picked up a 360 at launch and shelled out the $500 (or around there) for it.
Personally, while I won't complain that I can play some purdy games, I think it was nuts.
Last weekend, I went out and bought a Gamecube. Even if the games aren't as good looking, they are FUN. And as Artoo said, no way in hell Sony or MS saw this one coming. It's actually turning out to be a "real" "console war" after all.
Personally, I think MS has to smarten up and figure out how to get some good games that aren't shooters. Sony, well they just have to lower their price (Blue-Ray or not). But Nintendo? Can you really say they've done something wrong? Ok - so maybe the Wii isn't a GREAT name, but it's growing on me!
I am hesitant about buying a GC, as the Wii will play the games anyway.... I hate waiting...
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