Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Adam and Nichelle's Wedding Weekend Spectacular

It all started out on Wednesday, being in Adam's wedding party I needed to head up for the Thursday wedding rehearsal.

So Jenn, Sasha and myself got ready and hit the road around 2ish.

I was a little leary taking Sasha as I have only had her for a little while, but she was great, most of the way we listened to "The ongoing history of new music, by Alan Cross" (rockin' and informative)

We rolled into Sault Ste Marie around 11 ish, had a few drinks helped Adam with a few things, then headed to bed.

The next few days were really busy with wedding stuff, hair cuts, helium tank/balloon filling, tux fitting/alterations, chauffeuring, getting money for different wedding things, printing dinner menu's / church hymns / folding... etc etc. I never really thought about all the things that need to be done for a wedding before, it's crazy.

Along with all that there was the rehearsal, which went very well, despite the priests awful sense of humor. He had to inform us at least once that "That was a joke". After the rehearsal we had the rehearsal dinner (awesome).

Then of course, who can have a wedding without a pre wedding stock car race with the boys, with the groom racing around the track... (wait I guess everyone usually skips that part, anyways) so ya Adam went out and raced in a stock car race the day before the wedding ...... AND WON!! also frickin' amazing. (there were about 20 cars in the final race, with Adam starting almost dead last)

So the day of the wedding comes around and we are still doing random things for the wedding right up to the last second. I get back from getting a hair cut at 2:40 ish still have 50 min before we have to be at the church, plenty of time to get ready, with time to spare. I find out that I mis-interpreted a conversation with Adam over the phone, and I am supposed to go pick up Shannon from the Hotel, no worries, the hotel is close by. So on the way back from getting Shannon, we get a call from Adam, basically saying we have to be at the church 30 min earlier than expected! So ya, the time was up before I started, no worries, I am a speed dresser in a pinch.

Unfortunately, remembering random things extremely last minute is apparently not my forte. I leave the house with my glasses on, without my wallet, and forgetting to shave, greaaat.

I realize I forget my wallet and contacts immediately after leaving the house to go pick up another groomsman, Adam is leading in the other car, and we swing back to pick them up after getting him.

I run in grab my contact case and wallet, and run out. When Adam tells me, John is still not ready, and we need to wait for him... Ok

John shows up very shortly after and we all take off to the church. When I realize I have a nice 5 o'clock shadow, luckily only Jenn notices (or only Jenn comments).

When we got there the wedding went really well, Blake was queued up for comic relief running around the church the whole time, but didn't really affect the ceremony, it was cute.

After the wedding we all went for wedding pictures, 2 of the bridesmaids got lost on the way. (Cheryl and random blond girl you know who you are) So we got all the groomsmen pictures, then the pictures of the groomsmen with their associated bridesmaids.

Then a few funny pictures on the swings and see saw, on the see saw I found out I weigh more than Shannon, but not more than Shannon and Trevor.

Moving on, Adam and Nichelle showed up, then we took a whole bunch of random pictures, then the bridesmaids showed up, and the photographer was able to complete her missing pics.

After that we rushed off to the dinner.

Dinner was great. Drinks were drunk :-), some country music was played :-(, some of my cousin's entertained me by calling each other wussies, and trying to drink my brother under the table, it was hilarious, I can't do it justice with words.

Even though we were staying at Adam's less than a 5 min drive away Me and Jenn ended up staying at the hotel. It was soooo awesome to stay right up to the end, then just walk upstairs to crash.

I will remember this wedding for a long time...

Sappy as it may sound, Adam and Nichelle, you make a great couple, and had an amazing wedding, I am honored to be apart of it.


At 9/07/2006 10:48 AM, Blogger Palmer said...

Ongoing history of new music...are those the full hour episodes or those craptacular 2 minute podcasts?

if they are the longer ones, hook a brother up please.

At 9/07/2006 10:51 AM, Blogger Palmer said...

Highlight of the wedding program:

Ring Bear: Blake

He is definitely furry, but he ain't no bear.

At 9/07/2006 11:17 AM, Blogger Matt said...

re. Ongoing history of new music.

Full eps, in what I like to call "pre commercialized mp3 format"

4 separate mp3's per episode, each intended to have commercials between them.

They are awesome. I think I might be able to hook you up.

At 9/07/2006 2:38 PM, Blogger Ferda said...

sounds like so much fun and the pictures are awesome! I wanna see more. Big congrats to Adam and Nichelle!!!!


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