Lan Party

Went to a great Lan party last night.
Ian (Shannon's old roommate) has them very sporadically. 6-24 months between each.
We deviated from the usual starcraft extravaganza to play Day of Defeat 2. Even though I prefer a good challenging game of SC, DoD2 was nice in the fact that everyone got to keep playing. Unlike SC, you can't get obliterated 20 min into a 2 hour game and have to wait for the next one to start.
This party was held right out of Ian's work, great big open concept office. I didn't expect to stay too long, with Jennie at home. Ian suggested I bring Jennie over while we game. So I took off and got her 1/2 way through and let her wander around while we gamed. She had a little scuffle with Ian's co-workers dogs (who came briefly to visit), Jennie needs anti-bully lessons.
Gaming nights usually go to the wee hours of the morning. Luckily I was able to keep my mind semi conscious of the time (thank you iPod), and was able to slip out at 1:00.
All in all a good night, that helped me procrastinate from getting ready for my own party... I hope to have the house all ready by EOD tomorrow.... hmmm we will see.
(---Funny, I just noticed that Ian (IAN) and lan (LAN) look the same, I have capitalized the L's in Lan.)
Microsoft(XBOX) and Nissan.... Damage Critical

Have you ever played a racing game (crash burnout perhaps), just to get in your car after and think in the back of your head. "I need to hit that car right there, to create the most damage in a multi car pile up" ?
Or after playing a regular racing game thinking, "I need to get into on coming traffic to take this turn properly."
You realize though "I am in a car here not a video game!"
Now what would happen if the lines between video games and reality got a little more fuzzy. a marvel of technology, you can park this concept Nissan car, and then use the steering wheel, gas, and brake of the car to play racing games on a drop down screen. When you are done, get the screen out of the way, and use the same steering wheel, gas, and brake to drive home.
If you are playing Project Gotham Racing, and are lucky enough to live in one of the cities they have in the game, you can race on the same streets that you drive on....
Granted this technology sounds really cool, but just seems wrong.
Lots of snow!!

Someone here LOVES the snow.
Hmm, new years outdoor activities sounds fun right now (might not sound fun later).... like sitting at a table outside and drinking.... or outdoor winter volleyball / football / other ball.
Anyone else have any suggestions?
(note a very large (and seldom used) field is easily available 10 steps out of Matt's back door.)
I am leaning towards tackle football.
Bad Days - The Flaming Lips
Your sorta stuck where you are, but in your dreams you can buy expensive cars,
and live on Mars and have it your way
You hate your boss at your job, but in your dreams you can blow his head off.
In your dreams show no mercy.
And all your bad days will end.... And all your bad days will end.
You have to sleep late when you can.
And all your bad days will end.
Weekly update
Survivor finale just finished.
Danni won, awesome. She was my favored to win out of the final four.
Although I would have preferred Brian or Gary to win, they were not in the final four, Brian didn't even make it to the jury.
My least favorite survivors, Brandon and Jamie, surprisingly not Judd. Judd was fun to watch.
It wouldn't be a good show if there weren't people to root to win, and others to root for them not to win.
Amazing race finale this week!! (I think). AWESOME!! Please don't let Florida win, please please please.
Speaking of which I am still looking for a
Bell City Chase partner. My first two choices turned me down, I am not going to go naming names, Cheryl and Palmer know who you are.
Almost done Christmas shopping, only one more gift to go...
On a completely separate note, Dave I have not forgotten about you, but I need some more information, ie. Birthday, uhm.. something else too. This probably isn't the best medium to ask, but hey, why not.
Later for now
Floor Hockey

My first season playing floor hockey, I have dived right in.
- Playing Mondays
- Thursdays,
- Team captain for the next seasons Monday team.
- And used to practice on Wednesdays
I am only playing one team next season. Three days a week of floor hockey is a little nuts.
We are in playoffs right now with both teams.
Next Monday we are playing for 7th place.
This Thursday we are playing for 1st place.
(It's only rec, does it really matter what we are playing for?)
Yesterdays game was awesome, best Monday game ever!, (We won) unfortunately, I didn't score a goal. James (Joelle's James not Ferda's) was cheering on the other team. The losing team got to play a double header, and James really wanted to play another game. (Un-)luckily, the other team had an injury during the game and James subbed for them for the next game.
At about the first quarter of the game we were winning by an impressive margin of 4-1, then the other team took some strange pills (I assume this) at 1/2 time, and ended up getting 5 goals, making the score 4-6, luckily the pills wore off during the last quarter of the game and we scored another 3 goals.
Final Score 7-6. Awesome.
I hear our last Thursdays game might be a little rough.. (rough for rec that is) Good thing we have Joe 2.0 to score double hat tricks for us.

Nevermind an air guitar.
I hear
key-sword-tar's are a much better way to impress the ladies.
And to thwart your enemies.
I think I know what I want for Christmas... someone should bring a key-sword-tar to Palmers gift exchange. I have to discourage everyone from bringing one though, that would defeat the purpose of a Chinese gift exchange, although everyone would be instantly cooler and would make for a rocking party with little to no evil-do'ers.