Amazing Race Season TEN!

I think Bilal & Sa'eed are going to be the unfortunate first team out...
Reason for choice "Love of Food" to me = slow (not slow in the head, just slow in general)
Followed by Lynn & Karlyn with their "limited traveling experience".
Anyone willing to be $5 that they can pick 2 people that will be gone before my 2?
WAIT, David and Mary ... McDonalds??? damn...
you can't change your vote now....I called them first :-P
So to clarify....since Matt is confused, I pick David & Mary... and Lyn & Karlyn as well
I also feel that Dustin & Kandice may be running closely behind...or I guess since it's a race to win, just barely ahead....
no $5 bet for you.
that's $5 bet for me
Boo ya,
First team out... Bilal & Sa'eed!!! aww yea.
Good thing too, they would have had a TOUGH time on the rope climb... although I would have liked to see it.
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