
I have had the DDR pads now for about 2 or 3 days (opened) and they are cooool.
The pads support all 3 consoles (xbox, gamecube AND playstation.), and have a stiff foam pad under the buttons, (no bunching and very little moving).
Video games + exercise = cool.
This is the first time I have had to stop playing video games cause I am physically exhausted.
There seems to be a BIG difference between skill levels though. Playing on beginner is really easy, playing one level up is challenging but do-able, playing on "standard" is uh crazy, I have not even attempted to see what happens when I select "hard" I think my head would explode at the sight of the first arrow.
I wonder if I can play zelda with my feet? (oh yea, James I finished windwaker, very cool)
Wicked. As you know, the Pimpson's are very big fans of DDR. And have been for a while - see evidence here.
The pads you bought sound like the good ones - ours tend to slip and bunch up quite often. So good call on getting the higher quality. I foresee a dance-off in the near future. So start practicing.
And congrats on completing LoZ:Wind Waker. Great games like ALL Zelda games. I'm stoked to get Twilight Princess. Especially for the Wii.
I must mention that when he visited me this weekend, he had to bring the pads with him....you know we wouldn't want to go through any DDR withdrawal :-P
good old matt, there are other way to burn calories!
There are other ways to do lots of things... :), I like burning calories this way.
James, if your looking for replacement pads, I these at EB games. (actually EB games in sault ste marie, but I am sure they have the pads here too.)
the pads we have are fine. no big problems with them. but thanks
How much did these cost matt? Been thinking of getting a set. i like the cact that they are for all consoles.
Ended coming out to about $100 for two, after tax, and with a 1 year warranty.
(I am usually opposed to warranties but, I don't know how long these pads are supposed to last)
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