Meeting the parents (and 4 generations of relatives)
Executive Summary- Forgot my wallet at home, so Jenn started referring to herself as a (my) "walking wallet".
- Got many warnings from Jenn's Family, including Jenn's Mom "Matt your very brave for coming up this weekend"
- After realizing everyone is warning me about the weekend and no one would tell me why, started wondering "What am I getting myself into?!"
- I got jailed in my room the second night, and had to wait there until morning.
- Me and Granny kick butt at euchre

- Had to prove myself in a sumo wrestling match against a male family member that was closest to my age, while the rest of the family sat in chairs around the sumo ring and watched. (Yes of course the Masse males beat the Squires males)
- I endured a strange endurance match where I got wrapped to a chair (also with saran wrap) while 1/2 the family squirted me with water guns, poured buckets of water over my head, and tossed ice cubes down my back, I was graciously given goggles (which at the end were doing more harm than good as they were full of water), and ear plugs for "safety".
- After my endurance match I promptly tossed Jenn in the pool, along with three of her female cousins that attempted to help her. I stayed... uhm, not dry, as I was just soaked in buckets of water, but out of the pool for quite awhile continually pushing the three kamikaze cousins into the pool, until my sumo wrestling opponent decided to assist.
- I assisted in building the best damn dragon boat ever, out of bubble wrap, a net, pool noodles and duct tape. We were given cardboard as well, but decided cardboard and a floating boat were not a good mix. Our opponents dragon boat lasted about 30 seconds while our boat lasted the entire weekend.
Thanks Dawn, Dave, Jenn and family.
Despite, or maybe because of the challenges (and jailing), I had an amazing weekend. :-)