Small world

Work has been busy, it always seems to get more and more busy, I'm not sure if it's an illusion or not.
As most people probably know, I tend to think of blogging about dating and/or work as a faux-pas. But this was just sooo funny (maybe just funny to me) it has to be said.
Matt's memory of an MSN conversation with Cheryl (my favorite cousin)
Cheryl - Hey
Matt - Hey, long time no talk
Cheryl - Ya, it's been awhile
Cheryl - How's LL going?
Matt - Going good, I have been seeing a girl now for a few months.
Cheryl - Go on tell me more
Matt - [Random details about Jenn]
Cheryl - Cool
Cheryl - Me and Aaron are doing well.
Cheryl - [Random details about Aaron]
Cheryl - Do you have a pic of her?
Matt - Not on this computer
Matt - You can check out her LL profile, her nick is [Jenn's LL nick]
Cheryl (without looking at LL) - Your dating Jenn [Jenn's last name]?
Matt (not realizing I didn't tell her Jenn's last name) - Ya.
Cheryl - I've known her since first year (Ottawa U).
Matt - what? really?
Cheryl - Ya, we hung out a lot in first year
[more random conversation about Jenn]
Then I find out later that Jenn and Cheryl have each other on MSN!
What a crazy coincidence.
On another note, I am a year older today. Yay.
My birthday wish is for the Sens to win today...