Random post with a little NLP
Desire to post interesting articles FADING Fading ... RISING.... fading.I am losing my desire to blog. I am not going to stop completely, but to blog about my exact happenings and thoughts every day is not as interesting as it initially was.
I am feeling a little philosophical today so I will drop a little NLP on you.
Read this slowly please.
Everyone has something they want different, be it appearance, attitude, surroundings etc..
Picture your perfect self, (be realistic, you can't be shaq or madonna)
Notice the details,
- What are you wearing?
- How are you standing?
- Do you look relaxed?
- What kind of mood are you in?
- How are you groomed?
- How is your hair cut?
- Look at the little things nails, skin, hair, etc...
- What kind of shape are you in.
- What makes this the perfect you?
Think about it for a couple minutes... close your eyes, create the perfect you...
Start look beyond the physical attributes
- Are you married?
- Kids?
- House?
- What do you drive?
- Where do you work?
- How do you act? calm, excited, funny, relaxed.
- How do you react to different situations, when your relaxed, excited, attracted... etc...
- What drives you?
- What other little things does the perfect you do?
- What defines you?
- What makes this the perfect you?
Think about it for a couple minutes... again close your eyes, create the perfect you...
Now get behind your perfect self,
and step into ... yourself .... become your perfect self.....